Monday 28th February 2022 is certainly going to to be a day that I’ll always remember. This is the day that my first book ‘The Adventures of the Karillapig’ will be released and I am super excited!

The book has taken just over a year to go through the publishing process. This has been quite a journey and I like to think that I have learnt a lot along the way… One thing that has definitely improved is my confidence in writing, so I can happily announce that book two has even more excitement, mayhem and Moon critter calamity as our tremendous heroes continue to investigate Earth in an attempt to find out how Earth beings achieved space travel.

Book one develops a theme of friendship and team work which is continued through book two and beyond. The other theme is the obvious silliness which I believe should be threaded through our lives on an almost daily basis because let’s be honest, at times we all need some silly!

In the meantime, I do hope you enjoy The Adventures of the Karillapig. Please feel free to comment and join in the conversation….

Michelle x

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