I’m not going to lie, this for me has been a long journey, but worth every single second. My first book (The Adventures of the Karillapig) is due to be released Monday 28th February 2022 and I could not be more excited!

It’s an amazing feeling when you get to see your work being published. With this I have to place on record my upmost respect to all at Austin Macauley who have made this possible.

I started writing stories a good number of years ago, though at the time I have to admit it wasn’t really in my mind to write a book. Back then my creating stories was, I guess, a bit of hobby, or an escape from a rather stressful life as it then was.

My illustrator gave me a lot of encouragement after seeing some of my stories and sketches. To cut a very long story short, [he] set up a website all about the Karillapig, which was purely done to gauge whether or not this would be something people would be interested in – and to my absolute surprise, over two years the site receive well over 150,000 hits.

This gave me the confidence to put my stories down and begin creating a book. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not an overnight thing and takes an awful lot of dedication and determination. When I was on my journalism training, I was told there was no such thing as writers block, it’s all about ‘mind over matter’ and self-motivation. We all have times when we would far rather watch the tele than spend our free time frantically tapping away on our laptops, so learning to be stricter with my time did occasionally take some effort.

I am going to be writing regular blogs on this page which will allow you to share my journey, and hopefully inspire some of you to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).

I will also be sharing tips on writing that I have been given from some incredible people, and discussing how writing can be enormously beneficial when it comes to looking after our mental health.

I do hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment and get involved.

Michelle x


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