This Monday (28th Feb 2022), the Karillapig arrived on Earth, or to be more precise, in bookshops across the globe!

This is great news for the Karillapig who is currently attempting to finally answer that burning question all Moon critters are constantly asking:
“How did Earth beings achieve space travel?”

It’s okay if you haven’t heard of the Karillapig. Until now, not many people had!

The Adventures of the Karillapig may very well interest you if you are keen to find out about life on the darker side of the Moon. So give it a read, and let us know what you think…

F.Y.I – book two is well underway. As I write the book, believe me when I tell you that it’s a special kind of educational experience as we delve further into the various goings-on up there, and indeed here on Earth….

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