Excitement builds across the galaxy in preparation for the first everIntergalactic Day of Silliness.

As we prepare for the release of ‘The Adventures of the Karillapig’ on the 28th February 2022, thecelebration of silliness will be all about embracing all that is silly, and doing it with an enormous smile. So wear you t-shirt back to front, walk around with messy hair, wear clown pants and tell Dad jokes all day – it’s the law on this today – apparently!

The Karillapig himself will be joining in with the fun mainly bysticking sausages in his ears. To you and me that would normally seem rather silly, however, given that this day is about celebrating all that is silly, this is actually quite sensible.

Rumor has it that the famous sock monster might even be making an appearance after hearing how many people could be wearing odd socks, andwill be hanging about looking for spare odd socks to munch while we’re not looking…. this should be interesting…. I’ve got my silly hairstyle all planned, though you’d be forgiven for not noticing……

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