As the world is slowly introduced to the Karillapig, we bring a world exclusive direct from K-pig central of future superheroes as they discover the Karillapig, the Hippobuffafrog and many other Moon critters.

Remember, the Karillapig has the ability to become invisible, so if you do catch sight of him, then you are indeed incredibly special.   As our reporter on the ground continues to track the Karillapig’s movements, an extremely bewildered Derek Bumblebottom had this to say:

“I keep hearing of the Karillapig.  I don’t know what people are taking about, or why my garden has become of interest to so many people, but I can tell you this; strange things are afoot!  My flat cap has gone missing, my prized sprouts have been reduced to soup, and to top it all off, the Allotment Mafia keep running out of biscuits.  There’s only so much one man can take!”

Local space expert ‘Ollie Tabooga’ claims the recent disturbances could be put down to a meteor shower, and dismisses the hysteria as a phase.

Well who knows?  If you have seen the Karillapig on your travels please let us know – we are keen to hear from you…As the world is slowly introduced to the Karillapig, we bring a world exclusive direct from K-pig central of future superheroes as they discover the Karillapig, the Hippobuffafrog and many other Moon critters.

Remember, the Karillapig has the ability to become invisible, so if you do catch sight of him, then you are indeed incredibly special.   As our reporter on the ground continues to track the Karillapig’s movements, an extremely bewildered Derek Bumblebottom had this to say:

“I keep hearing of the Karillapig.  I don’t know what people are taking about, or why my garden has become of interest to so many people, but I can tell you this; strange things are afoot!  My flat cap has gone missing, my prized sprouts have been reduced to soup, and to top it all off, the Allotment Mafia keep running out of biscuits.  There’s only so much one man can take!”

Local space expert ‘Ollie Tabooga’ claims the recent disturbances could be put down to a meteor shower, and dismisses the hysteria as a phase.

Well who knows?  If you have seen the Karillapig on your travels please let us know – we are keen to hear from you…

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